I Wish

What do you wish your massage therapist knew?

I had a new client come in Wednesday afternoon and when I mentioned that I will not be talking to her during the session because of my hearing loss, she sighed deeply and whispered “
Oh, thank you, I’m so glad!”
Then she caught herself and tried to apologize thinking she may have offended me by sounding like she was glad I couldn’t hear well.

I laughed and assured her that it was perfectly okay and that I heard it all the time.

Clients have told me over and over about finding a therapist that did great work but that talked the entire time.

“ I wish the therapist would be quiet during session so I can rest and relax instead of having to listen and respond.”

“I wish the therapist wouldn’t tell me about her problems- i am getting a massage to get my mind off MY problems.”

“ I wish the therapist would let me sleep- I’m mentally and physically exhausted”

I wish that I could explain to people that I understand and I hold to the thought that the person on my table is not my captive audience but rather someone that’s chosen to come to me for bodywork which is also spiritual and emotional and mental work.

I’ll talk before and afterwards when I can read lips well but during the session time, my hands will feel, my heart will listen and my prayers will be whispered in my head to God for giving me the opportunity to touch someone so fearfully and wonderfully made. — at Rockwall Body and Soul Massage.

Morning Mercies

Thoughts on the devotional-

Morning Mercies

Each morning, when the sun pours over the horizon, you have an opportunity.

David—who held many titles throughout his lifetime: shepherd, warrior, giant-slayer, King of Israel, and a man after God’s own heart—said it like this when he was talking to God:

“Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭143:8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

David recognized that each day was an opportunity …

To hear of God’s unfailing love. His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:23) and His love endures forever (Psalm 118:2). But sometimes, we forget. Most times, we need to be reminded. Just as winter can’t be stopped from blooming into spring, we can’t stop the mercies of a brand new day.

To trust Him again. God is good, constant, faithful, merciful, honest, loving, unlimited, all-powerful, and the source of everything that exists. In fact, He can’t not be those things! No matter what we’re facing, we can know that He’s trustworthy. We can trust His character and we can trust His heart.

To watch, listen, and discern His leading. We can fix our eyes on the God who fixes His loving gaze onto us. Let us echo David’s words: “Show us where to walk…” Let us recognize His promptings, pay attention to His guidance, and listen for His “voice.”

To surrender our lives to Him. We can cling to our plans, dismiss His warnings, and fight for self-sufficiency, or, we can give ourselves to Him—fully. When we rely on ourselves, we will never be enough. But when we die to ourselves, we are choosing to live for Him.

No matter how dark the night, the sun rises again. And when that morning light pours over the horizon, you have a fresh opportunity to draw near to the One who loves you.

Morning Mercies

Each morning, when the sun pours over the horizon, you have an opportunity.

David—who held many titles throughout his lifetime: shepherd, warrior, giant-slayer, King of Israel, and a man after God’s own heart—said it like this when he was talking to God:

“Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭143:8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

David recognized that each day was an opportunity …

To hear of God’s unfailing love. His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:23) and His love endures forever (Psalm 118:2). But sometimes, we forget. Most times, we need to be reminded. Just as winter can’t be stopped from blooming into spring, we can’t stop the mercies of a brand new day.

To trust Him again. God is good, constant, faithful, merciful, honest, loving, unlimited, all-powerful, and the source of everything that exists. In fact, He can’t not be those things! No matter what we’re facing, we can know that He’s trustworthy. We can trust His character and we can trust His heart.

To watch, listen, and discern His leading. We can fix our eyes on the God who fixes His loving gaze onto us. Let us echo David’s words: “Show us where to walk…” Let us recognize His promptings, pay attention to His guidance, and listen for His “voice.”

To surrender our lives to Him. We can cling to our plans, dismiss His warnings, and fight for self-sufficiency, or, we can give ourselves to Him—fully. When we rely on ourselves, we will never be enough. But when we die to ourselves, we are choosing to live for Him.

No matter how dark the night, the sun rises again. And when that morning light pours over the horizon, you have a fresh opportunity to draw near to the One who loves you.

Goethe’s Words

Today I had big loads to carry My Uber driver was a wonderful man that I had ridden with before so he loaded my bags into his trunk and then I got in.
We had an easy conversation and when he pulled into Rockwall Body and Soul Massage, I stepped out and a wave of pain hit from my knee. This rarely happens- usually it just locks and I stand still for a few seconds to get the nerves responding but this morning when I stepped out, my knee went too far.
Marvin immediately grabbed my bags and then offered his arm.
I smiled at him and took his hand; my fingers sliding into his grasp as if we had already known each other.

We walked down the uneven rocky path and up the steps and then I hugged him tight before he opened the door and led me into the house.

I had shared with him a quote I had read in my devotional this morning and I believe those words were on both of our minds as we hugged.
Goethe said,”If you treat an individual as he is, he will remain how he is. But if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be.”
The devotional went on to say “ What if your words grew out of the vision of their fulfilled potential instead of their current reality? You would begin to see them grow and flourish in ways you never imagined. Those are the kind of words that have the power to affect people for a lifetime. Trust me, the people in your life already know what their problems and weaknesses are; they don’t need you to tell them. When you become a source of encouragement to them rather than a faultfinder and self-appointed problem-fixer, you are cooperating with God
in building them into who he wants them to be.”

That just hit me so hard – the power of words spoken to me and by me……. Some words I’ve spent my life trying to prove wrong, other words I’ve spent my life trying to live up to.

So when I asked a new friend, Brandy Lancione, to be a model for a new healing session I had been creating in my head, I knew the reasons why I asked her- because I wanted to encourage her and show her the beauty and versatility of different massage modalities,

I plan to invite more people to receive while I improvise and figure out what the flow and intention is for these sessions…and others I’m planning to create.

One of my thoughts has been to shine and shimmer much like God puts His sparkle on us and sometimes we catch the light and see the radiance shining—
It’s like glittery confetti- God has ways of showing up in the most unlikely places all the time.
He showed up in the hug from Marvin, the tight hugs from Brandi and then when my neighbor took my hand and walked me to the front door of my home- I saw God at work once again.

After I was home awhile, I changed into my workout clothes and went into the gym.

I didn’t really feel like working out but I had promised myself that I would do 60 reps every day for 60 days and I keep my promises- even those I make to myself.

20 crunches
20 hip thrusts
20 side bends
20 ball slams
20 tricep curls
20 side ball touches
3 sets and it was done

It’s part of the deal- I’ll do my part because I know God is making a way through the wilderness even when the wilderness is me.

Another Day Another Round

This morning I was up at 5 and made my son his huge breakfast and lunch then I poured my coffee, nestled into the big comfortable chair and did my Bible study and devotional.

Once my spirit felt fed, I put on my workout clothes and walked into the gym.

Some days are easier than others but every day, I’m glad I can do the things I can

So I laid out my equipment for today’s sets and decided to focus on abdominal sets

So this is what I came up with

20 abductor
20 ball slams
20 squats
20 ab bicycle
20 ab chest crunch
20 leg lifts
20 dead lifts
3 sets

Then I got ready for Uber to take me to work and I climbed the steps with a case of water bottles – does that count?

The countdown is coming along. I can’t believe I’m about to turn 60 when I feel like I’m about 36.

I feel like I’m still just getting started.

Day 3

This morning was my 3rd day of the challenge.
I do best when I lay out all my tools of the trade first and then begin.
20 times 3 equals 60 and I’m so glad I can do these things and then work a fully booked day at Rockwall Body and Soul Massage.

Do YOU want to do tomorrow’s challenge with me?

Day 2

It’s the second day of my personal challenge.
Let’s begin by saying my morning was spent in study and prayer with my favorite cowboy, Greg.
After he took off on the road, I got ready to meet @ Shawn Jordan over at SJTPT.
I followed instructions- and didn’t give him a hard time😂😂💪
Then I got the gym all to myself- if you know me, really know me- then you know that’s my happy place.

I had created this 60 rep over 60 day workout challenge because my 60th birthday is 60 days away.

I’m one of those goal oriented people- I like to set goals and see progress and challenge myself.
I know I can do all things when I make up my bullhead mind to do it and listen to Jesus telling me, “You got this, girl!”

I placed the steps on the turf- no big deal for the old Jeanna’ but a big deal for me now.

Then I started with 20 ball slams just to warm my body up and then I walked and stepped up and down 60 times, threw that weighted ball 40 more times and got it out of my way.

I walked into the weight room and found my little routine
20 ab
20 shoulder pulldowns
20 bicep rope pulldown
20 seated squats

3 sets and I had reached my 60.

This makes 2 days down and 58 to go- and that feels funny and good.

I texted my cousin and asked him to join me and he laughed and said just reading it made him tired…. And here I am, thinking it’s making me feel strong and confident.

I placed 8 cards in the mailbox this morning before I got into my Uber ride…because that’s another goal of mine- to get back to the heart of what matters to me and handwritten cards is one of those things.

I have felt the whisper of the Spirit telling me to keep pushing forward, to keep on praying boldly and expectantly and putting in the work…so I’m gonna do it.

Just like I said I would.

60 reps over 60 days

I’m counting up- in 60 days, I’ll be 60 !

I decided to create a workout to do each day for 60 days and I’m going to see if anyone wants to do it,too, for one day at least.

I’m going to do it every day and Greg has cowboyed up and joined me- partly because he loves a good challenge and partly because he’s turning 60 in December.

This came to mind during a session yesterday while I was talking to Jesus while my hands were doing what I love to do.

60 days of praise, prayer, ponderings and practicing what I believe.

I’m going to post pictures and write about this journey every day as I become more of who God created me to be.

He’s already shown me His power and provision this morning and I’m praising that and praying with the reminder that God knows all things and nothing is ever impossible with Him or for Him.

Let Me Know

Let me know

If you’re okay

If you’ve had a hard day

If things are looking up

If you’ve found a place to stay

If you feel peace at last

Let me know

If I ever cross your mind

If you wonder how things are here

If you miss what you used to know

If you’re alive and well

If you’re fighting to stand again

If you’ve found a way

To become the person you wanted to be

Let me know

I wonder how you are

And I know God knows who you are

What You see- An Uber trip

Here’s another story from the half deaf woman-hold your horses!
I’ve been trying to find time to write this one.

I’ve had to rely on Uber for the last three months…and let me tell you that it’s a whole another ball game when you’re a visual/tactile person.

Every time I book a ride, this little message from Uber pops up
“Check your ride- make sure the person matches the picture and make sure the license plate and car match the description”

Piece of cake, right?

Except people hardly ever look like the pictures they post- all these filters kinda make people into something they ain’t.

I had s picture of a clean shaven, bald guy and the guy that shows is had a headful of gray curls and a full beard.

Oh, looks like he’s one of those lucky guys that the hair growth serum worked for!

I’ve had to rely on Uber for the last three months…and let me tell you that it’s a whole another ball game when you’re a visual/tactile person.

Every time I book a ride, this little message from Uber pops up
“Check your ride- make sure the person matches the picture and make sure the license plate and car match the description”

Piece of cake, right?

Except people hardly ever look like the pictures they post- all these filters kinda make people into something they ain’t.

I had s picture of a clean shaven, bald guy and the guy that shows is had a headfuln of gray curls and a full beard.

Guess that hair growth serum worked!

There’s been times when I think my driver must be prepping for a physique competition only to be greeted by a skinny guy with s sheepish grin.

And the women!?!?!

Lord, have mercy.. Some of them must be Victoria’s Secret models on the side and drive around looking like they just pulled an all nighter, cleaning the garage.

There have been pictures with long hair, arched eyebrows, red, pouty lips and the driver winds up having short hair, invisible brows and lips that are almost impossible to read because there’s no definition or color.

So I look for other signs to make sure I’m comfortable and safe.., after all, riding with strangers is kinda taking a leap of faith.

There’s this little space on the app –
“Any ride details?”

So I reckon it’s my chance to let the driver know a little about what to expect.

“I’ve got a knee injury so I’m not very graceful and I’m a little slow. I’ll like to ride up front if that’s okay with you.”

And you know what?

I make sure I’m at the curb when the car pulls up and i make sure that I look like my profile picture.

What you see IS what you get!

Most drivers jump out of their cars, open the front door for me and grab my heavy backpack for me.

Then I put the seatbelt on, turn towards them and smile as I say,

“Thank you for letting me ride up front with you. I’m half deaf and i read lips so I need to sit beside you to communicate.”

“Oh, that’s why?!”

It is the real reason why I prefer to ride up front. I’m really good at lip reading but I still haven’t mastered reading the back of anyone’s head.

When a driver doesn’t make the front seat available, i slide into the back and I’m silent.

I don’t try to engage in small talk because I can’t understand the driver and it’s only awkward and frustrating.

I’ll give simple directions as we get closer to my destination, like
“Pull into the fence with the SJTPT sign”
“Turn left between the white picket fences.”
Or “It’s the last house on the corner with the blue door.”

I get it- I’m a stranger to the driver,too. They don’t know what to expect everytime they open up their car to take somebody where they want to go.

It can’t be easy.

That’s why I decided when I found out that I had to start using Uber, to treat every driver with kindness and respect mingled with gratitude.

Nobody has to pick me up.. each one of the drivers chooses to come get me…and I’ve even had some cancel on me- probably because they got a further, better paying ride.

There’s been some drivers that I’ve felt an instant rapport with, and one guy started me in the back then stopped about ten feet down.. and said,” Hey, i changed my mind, get up front!”

I’ve had guys take my hand and walk me across the rocky path. I even had one guy try to pick me up after my knee buckled underneath me and I almost fell.

I’ve linked hands with a man from Sudan, hads woman from Nigerias pray for me in the parking lot of Legends Fit and i even had a woman gasp with excitement and start signing away because I was her first rider that knew her first language. She’s a CODA- child of deaf adult and she was tickled pink to be able to “visit” with me.

I am a toucher- after all, I’m a Native Texan, Southern charmer with the added blessing of being half deaf and touch is as natural as breathing.

I know it makes some people and some drivers uncomfortable, especially in this post a Covid age but that’s just how I am.

I can read the vibes and body language of people and I don’t step on any toes- on purpose, anyways…But there’s times when I spin the wheel and get lucky and get scooped up by a driver that has great lips and looks like the profile picture that is posted.

And then I get one of rides of my life, looking like I do in real life!

deaftherapist #writingmyheartout #jeannasoul #myownwords

Packed Memories

I’m reading this devotional and it always amazes me how God places the right devotional into my hands when I need it the most.

Greg Mead and I didn’t pack up and move but we did pack up our heartache and created walls which left openings for things to happen that hurt us both spiritually and really hurt our children, too. As we lost our circle of friends at church, we filled the void with selfishness and that almost broke us.

We both turned from God as if He was the one that pushed us away instead of other broken people that were trying to follow rules they were comfortable with instead of listening to God and loving us where we were.

From Hey There, Girlfriend

💙☕️” Years ago, my husband and I packed our family into a moving truck, sold the house, and left no forwarding address. We showed up at the new location with bright smiles in our attempt to leave the pain behind. Inside, we remained battered and bruised emotionally because of deep relational hurts we packed up along with our furniture.

Still, God was working. We found ourselves drawn to a couple at church. She knew everyone, having lived in that town all her life, sporting inner and outer beauty and sophistication. He was a coach and the understated but hilarious life of the party. A sweet relationship developed in time, and I have never been more thankful.

After we had been friends for a long time, I found the courage to ask how they had room for us. Our need was obvious. Friendless, broken, and desperate for relationships defined us. Why did they befriend us?

Tears flowed from my put-together friend. She never explained the tears, but I realized they needed us just when we needed them.

Experience has taught me that when I feel alone and need a friend, I am most likely not the only one. God is working in someone’s life who needs a friend as well. This is the juncture at which we find Philippians 4:18 at work.

“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
Most adults have room for a new friend. We are not alone in our sense of isolation and friendlessness. Rich, true, and loyal friendships require that we believe God is preparing just the right friends for us; people who will like who we are, love us despite it and even need us because of who we are.

Good and lasting friendships bloom when you and I are mutually encouraged by each other’s faith (Romans 1:11-12). Therefore, these relationships transcend decades, seasons of life, or favorite pastimes. Forget selecting people who are like you, or even your same age. Some of the dearest friends God has ordained for you may be thirty years older than you or the same number of years younger.

Remember, you are not alone in your loneliness. Ask God to prepare your future friends as He prepares you to be women who mutually encourage each other’s faith as you experience life together.

☕️💙 more of my pondering

Last August, I was really weak but Greg pushed my walker to the patio of Jennifer Marie where she had graciously offered her home and pool for Luke’s birthday party.

I watched with gratitude and tears in my eyes as my daughter, Kateley Lyons mingled with her friends- some decades older, some her age – all showing great love and understanding and kinship for each other.

I watched as one friend helped my granddaughter, and another one grabbed towels and yet another one walked over to include me all while looking out for each other and all the children.

My Momma heart almost exploded with love because Kateley was the one hurt the most by the crumbling of the circle and it’s taken her years and years to find friends again.

In the same way, I’m opening my heart up again- stepping outside the walls and setting up the table of hospitality to see what and who God will bring to me.

I am not confined by age, or hobbies or similarities. Instead I’m looking at those that I can be myself with and become all God wants me to be.

I have a handful of 3 a.m friends that I can text and know they get it…. I have friends I pray for and I know they pray for me.

I’m writing this while wrapped in the prayer shawl that was handmade by Janet Mary Rozdil Moltzan, one of my decade older friends that has spoken words of wisdom that are etched into my soul.
I find myself drawing love and laughter from my decades younger friend, Jay Elle Pugh.. who just gets me and we share the same name and an easy kinship.

I’m friends with some people that others don’t think I should be and so is Greg but I’ve learned a few things the hard way and that’s that God uses every person and every thing for His purpose and His Glory.

I know that if the circle hadn’t crumbled, I wouldn’t be the woman I am now and this woman I am is becoming who God wants me to become

Broken open and poured out, overflowing with love and grace and maybe, just maybe sitting around a turquoise table sharing Jesus and Mema

It’s taken me long enough.. I’m opening the door. Come on in , pull up a seat, let’s see if we are meant to be.
